Our Clients – Our Results
At Supra we understand that the selection of any new partner has inherent risks. The key we believe is choosing partners that have a proven history not only in the core technologies that are the foundation of your project, but also a proven history of growth and long-term success. For the past 16 years Supra has helped hundreds of clients move their idea forward from as little as a yellow pad to an actual system serving thousands of clients around the country. Our work has spanned a variety of vertical markets and many companies have chosen us based on our past work in their space. We are also quite proud of the number of clients that are fully referenceable as show below.
Featured Client Linked Pages
Cloud Services Clients

SP2 Systems
Hospitality AI Customer Service Platform
Building a Next Generation AI Powered Customer Service Platform from Ground Zero to the Market

MedTransGo Systems
Medical Transportation and Translation Service Platform
AWS Cloud Powered platform allowing hospitals and clinics to request on demand medical transportation and translation services

Kako Services
Human Resource Management System
Building an application to provide complete hiring solution for a corporation and its subsidiaries
Mobile Services Clients

Harvard Medical School – InfoSage
ElderCare Mobile Support & Research App
Help family and friends coordinate the tasks to care for a loved elder and helps families stay connected

InspectSource - Aurora2Go
Home Inspection and Report Generation App
Allowing home inspectors to carryout home inspections, take notes, photos and immediately create inspection reports while on the field with or without Internet connectivity

Schedule a Car Wash – GoWash
On Demand Car Wash and Detailing Services App
Hassle free service allowing corporation employees to schedule car pickup, washing and detailing services
Web Services Clients

Pharmacy Tribune
Community Healthcare Portal
Building a Next Generation Consumer Web Experience for Consumers Seeking Medical Information

SP2 Systems
Hospitality AI Customer Service Platform
Building a Next Generation AI Powered Customer Service Platform from Ground Zero to the Market

American Blinds & Shades
Powerful E-Commerce Platform
Help consumers choose, configure and customize blinds and shades for their offices.
Intranet Services Clients

Specialty Woodworks
State-Of-The-Art ERP System to Manage Product Manufacturing
Created a State-Of-The-Art intranet ERP system for creating estimates for large projects consisting of complex tasks and several products, automate scheduling of product manufacturing, resource assignments to maximize profit and reduce errors. System also performs automatic time & expense tracking for payroll calculations.

Vulgamore Family Farm
Intranet System to Improve Employee Productivity and Organization Operation Efficiency
Created a full-service platform to allow employee cock-in/clock-out, automate payroll calculations, task management and other company operations to minimize errors, improve productivity and profitability.

Boston Appraisal Services
Intranet System to Handle High Volume Home Appraisal Requests
Building full featured cloud-based intranet system with built-in quality checks to efficiently manage & quickly deliver home appraisal reports.
IT Staffing Clients

Rapid Application Development Team
Assisted customer to quickly bring a SaaS product to the market and continue ongoing development and enhancements as the business needs changed with growth in market share

ERP System Development Team
Helped customer in building a Next Generation SaaS ERP system for wholesalers and retailers

SP2 Systems
Hospitality AI Customer Service Platform
Building a Next Generation AI Powered Customer Service Platform from Ground Zero to the Market